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March 14, 2002

The latest in a long
The latest in a long history of US TV stations appropriating UK game shows and making their own versions of them, (Whose Line Is It Anyway?, etc.) is Never Mind The Buzzcocks, which VH1 has started producing over here. The UK version features 50's throwback Mark Lamarr as host, (who in the mid-90's was a regular on what was probably the best UK game show ever, Shooting Stars [Ulrika-ka-ka-ka!]) and has guests like Captain Sensible, whereas the new US version has host Marc Maron and such American luminaries as David Cross as guests. So far, it seems like the US version of NMTB is actually pretty successful. This is probably the most thought and work I have ever devoted to game shows in my life. Curse you, blog!
posted by amy at 9:45 AM | #