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March 25, 2002

Watched: Ok, so the Oscars.
Watched: Ok, so the Oscars. Salon has a piece about how it was all about how Hollywood pretended for a night that it wasn't racist. That pretty much sums it up for me. It's nice to see Halle and Denzel get recognized, even if for the wrong movies. (Halle probably hasn't yet made the movie she'll deserve the award for.)
More lightly, highlights for me were:
- the cleverly-executed Cirque du Soleil film tribute. (Did anyone else see a clip from Tomb Raider tossed in there? The Superman part was nice, and the opening 2001 concept.)
- Ian McKellen's hot, young gay lover. (I think that's him in the background of this picture.)
- Russell Crowe's escort-service date.*
- Oh, yeah, let's not forget Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson's funny short about costume design. Easy to overlook in this night of magic moments.
- Gwyneth Paltrow's HIDEOUS OUTFIT.
- Looking for a parking spot for 35 minutes after I drove home from Amy's.
*Oh supposedly she's some kind of singer or something? Whatever. Here is a special note to Russell Crowe's date to the Oscars: Forget it. Break up with him. It's not going to work out. He's not any more emotionally available to you than he was eight years ago. So forget it.
posted by adm at 2:33 PM | #