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April 10, 2002

Here is what is so
Here is what is so great about ADM's blog posts: when he knows I haven't yet watched 24 because I was out playing poker all night, he still writes his usual razor-sharp and provocative recap, but leaves out crucial details that would spoil surprises. ADM: you rule.
But I did catch most of The Osbournes! And discovered the truth about Melinda, which had been bothering me since the series began. Who is she? She's not a member of the family, at least not a child of Ozzy and Sharon, but she's ALWAYS around, and everyone confides in her. Turns out (maybe I'm just an idiot for not catching this sooner) that she's THE NANNY (or maybe I just assumed that a household where the youngest member is 16 doesn't need a nanny.) Seems all she does is get Jack to actually haul his ass to school for at least a few hours every day, and bail him out when he's been throwing rocks at the other kids (first and third paragraphs--good stuff). Everyone seems to sort of love her.
Also check out The Hot Trashy Oldest Osbourne Daughter who refused to do the show, at the bottom of this page.
posted by amy at 3:27 PM | #