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April 16, 2002
Read: There's a new daily
Read: There's a new daily newspaper in NYC: The New York Sun, which launches today. The paper's official site is extremely lacking, so here's a rundown of the front page stories:
- Iraqi opposition leader warns of abysmal planning.
- NY wine lovers sue state over import laws.
- Bloomberg and welfare reform.
- "Hillary walks the tightrope".
- Interview with Lech Walesa by Peggy Noonan.
- Metal Rolodexes are no longer being made.
- Red Sox "barely" beat Yankees.
- Ant colony largest ever.
- Rent control in NYC.
I wonder how long it will last. It doesn't seem like it's really going to appeal to "the working man" or "the working woman". Mostly it seems like it will appeal to old conservative people who still have good eyesight.
posted by adm at 12:28 PM | #