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April 18, 2002

The Amy's Robot team learned
The Amy's Robot team learned some important things about the only good show on ABC, The Job. Lenny Clarke, who plays Frank, is hugely fat on the show, but since shooting this season has lost probably 150 pounds. In this full-fat BEFORE photo, he is wearing a tux. Here he is AFTER, along with Bill Nunn and Amy. We were hanging out with our new mutual friend, Denis Leary. This photo documentation of last night's summit meeting of Amy's Robot and The Job brought to you by ADM. Also, Diane Farr, who plays Jan, used to be on MTV's Loveline. Even though ABC gave the appearance of committing to this critically-acclaimed but ratings-challenged show last week by saying they would show back-to-back episodes for the rest of the season, now it turns out that the season ends on Wednesday. So tape it while you can.
Also: at the Museum of Television and Radio, on their staff they have someone with the job title Curator of Television. This is a job that I COULD HAVE.
posted by amy at 10:51 AM | #