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April 2, 2002
Well! Looks like ADM got
Well! Looks like ADM got Panic Room pretty well wrapped up. A few things to add:
Fincher got his start directing videos like "Express Yourself" by Madonna, which at the time was the most expensive video made since "Thriller", and won like 3 MTV awards. The video is based on the old German movie Metropolis, and some of the best shots and comparisons are showcased here. When this is what you come up with when directing a Madonna video, you have a right to be proud.
Also good old Jordan Catalano (aka Jared Leto) tears up the scenery in a few hammy (but funny) moments, maybe trying to recreate his old My So Called Life glory?
Some good New York-y details, like the Kiehl's products in Jodie Foster's bathroom. By the end of that extended slow-motion sequence in the movie that Alan mentions, I think the whole world is in love with Jodie Foster.
posted by amy at 9:54 AM | #