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May 14, 2002

I guess I'm going to
I guess I'm going to be the first to say it. Maybe.
I am worried that The Osbournes is not going to be funny next year, except for Ozzy. Reason Number One: The kids are now celebrities, and since they aren't the most self-effacing teenagers to ever grace the small screen, I expect that their attitudes will only become more out-sized and make them even more contemptuous. Reason Number Two: Relatedly, when they taped season 1, they basically did it in a vacuum. Now there is hyper-awareness of the show as a cultural phenomenon, and the kids (and to a lesser extent Sharon) will be far more concerned with how they come off on TV. Reason Number Three: Reality television that costs $200,000 is by nature funnier than reality television that costs $20,000,000.
Mitigating factors:
- Maybe the show's decidedly brilliant editors/producers will save it anyway, by somehow dealing with bratty kid footage in a way that avoids staleness.
- Oh, I guess there's just that one.
posted by adm at 5:03 PM | #