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May 30, 2002

I know you've all been
I know you've all been waiting for the Television Without Pity recap of the season finale of 24. So there you go. Read it if you have a minute, but here is a highlight in case your computer screen is visible from your boss's desk:
"Nina hangs up, then kalls Kiefer to tell him that Spawn is dead and that the Coast Guard found her body. Kiefer slams down the phone, crouches to the ground, and kries. But it's not just a few manly tears. It's a full-body cry. They go to two commercial breaks in the meantime and he's still crying. He makes sweet agonizing love to the poured concrete wall behind him like he's Martha Graham with a Noguchi sculpture. Can we get a shot of his wedding ring? Thanks."
Also, TWoP points out that when Nina is racing around, killing janitors and deleting files in that secret control room, she using an iBook, not a PC. While sort of undermines the Bad Guys Use PCs, Good Guys Use Macs rule that was set up on this show. Maybe this is to foreshadow that she won't get killed, and will be back next season? Thank Christ, it's the only thing that could save this show next year.
posted by amy at 11:18 AM | #