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May 11, 2002

This week's NYT magazine has
This week's NYT magazine has a trendy fashion spread featuring Alanis Morrisette. NYT.com has a companion piece: a Flash music video, featuring semi-animated versions of the mag's photos, as well as a soundtrack w/ a song from AM's new album. Note that (a) you need Flash to view it, and (b) there is a hi-bandwidth version that features better audio.* Just in case you don't feel like looking at the presentation, you can just check out this photo of Alanis as some kind of Navajo space warrior or something.
*Note on technology: wow, the hi-bandwidth version of the song sounds almost completely different from the low-bandwidth version. Like seriously, they are not even recognizable as the same song. Wei-ahd.
posted by adm at 2:03 AM | #