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June 25, 2002

Animal behavior researchers are realizing
Animal behavior researchers are realizing that mate selection is not solely a matter of females selecting the competing male with the longest tail or the most well-defined quads. [free login req'd] We're now learning that the males also go for the female with especially brightly-colored stomach scales or the most evenly applied pearlized eye shadow. Maybe these researchers figure that looking at human mating behavior doesn't tell us squat about the rest of the animal world, because otherwise they might have already figured this one out. [via the fluffy-feathered King Pigeon]
posted by amy at 2:40 PM | #
You need to understand, that the male penis and the male brain may be attached to the same body, but they do not communicate in any conventional sense. WBR LeoP
Posted by: at March 11, 2007 11:21 AM