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June 18, 2002

As an add-on to Alan's
As an add-on to Alan's post about The Bourne Identity: how about those increasingly divergent careers of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. They were at the same level, quality-wise, when Good Will Hunting came out, but it's been a fairly continuous upward journey for Matt (Rounders, Saving Private Ryan, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Ocean's 11, Bourne Identity) and a continuous downward spiral for superstar Ben (Armageddon, Reindeer Games, Forces of Nature, Pearl Harbor, Sum of All Fears, need I go on?) Matt had a couple of missteps (Bagger Vance), and Ben did star in the very good Changing Lanes, but that movie was not good because of him. Somebody like Paul Rudd or Jude Law or Ed Norton would have been even better. I wish Fametracker would do a Fame Audit comparing these two.
Also The Bourne Identity has Clive Owen in it, so it automatically is made at least 1.8 times better just by his presence.
posted by amy at 12:27 PM | #