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June 20, 2002

Britney's new New York restaurant
Britney's new New York restaurant NYLA opened last week. (nyt, free login req'd) As the Times points out, most of her fans, and Britney herself, cannot legally drink, so we're all not too sure who the target demographic for her new lounge is... 36-year-old advertising execs? Sports writers? Sharp, sassy non-profit employees? Seems like no one really thought this new restaurant through.
On page 2 of this article, we learn that Britney does not know who Georgia O'Keefe is. As Whiskas, my source, points out, had Britney opted for attending college instead of being a pop star/actress/restaurateur, she definitely would have learned at the poster sale during the first week of school.
posted by amy at 9:24 AM | #