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June 3, 2002

The latest topic on Hissyfit:
The latest topic on Hissyfit: Babies. Entitled "112 Reasons to Lead a Barren, Childless Existence That Ends in Your Death", the HF ladies really freak out on this one. The reasons, by the way, mostly boil down to a) Your Kid Might Hate You, b) You Might Hate Your Kid, or c) Your Kid Might Like Pauly Shore. All this was inspired by that book "Creating a Life" that came out a few months ago, and created this huge uproar among educated women with jobs by revealing the cutting-edge scientific theory that women get less fertile as they get older. Yet people reacted, seriously, like this was news. Cover of New York magazine and everything. In a marketing tactic that I can only describe as sick, Amazon is selling this book with a special discount if you buy it with the season 3 DVD of "Sex And The City". For Christ's sake.
posted by amy at 2:12 PM | #