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July 31, 2002

Fantastic article in the Wall
Fantastic article in the Wall Street Journal (I know, I know) about those contests where whoever keeps their hand on a car long enough wins it. [via D-Mo] I think ADM would agree with me in saying that the documentary movie made about just such a competition in a Nissan dealership in Texas, Hands on a Hardbody, is one of the more surprisingly intense documentaries about pickup trucks you will ever see. Here's a quote from frequent winner, Brian Root:
Ive never really liked working, doing the 8-to-5, he says. I knew it would give me the freedom to go to the beach. Besides, he adds, his long stands are like a spiritual experience. Your mind goes to places its never gone before. You see a part of yourself you never see otherwise.
posted by amy at 10:01 AM | #