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July 16, 2002

In case you've been wondering
In case you've been wondering what the hell Leonardo DiCaprio has been doing for the past 4 years besides thrusting his career forcibly down every toilet in sight, now it seems he's joining the crowd of American movie stars acting in London theater. Hope he's better than Madonna.
OK, I thought I was done with this post, but I'm not. Back in the early '90's, Leonardo DiCaprio was one of the most talented actors in my generation. What's Eating Gilbert Grape?, This Boy's Life, Romeo + Juliet. Then what happened? I'm not buying that it was all Titanic's fault. I think he just blew it, read all his own increasingly disappointing press, became a club-whore, gained 25 pounds (as we saw in Celebrity), royally pissed off Ewan McGregor and got paid $20 million for that crappy film version of The Beach, and is now already a washed-up has-been at age 27. He's probably sitting in his apartment, trying to wash out the cocaine that's stuck in the Mexican tile grout on his bathroom floor, just praying that Gangs of New York will save him. Well good luck, Leo. Keep going with that Abdominizer.
posted by amy at 10:33 AM | #