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July 11, 2002

Keith Olbermann, formerly of ESPN,
Keith Olbermann, formerly of ESPN, formerly of MSNBC, and now (maybe?) with Fox, has a piece called "Baseball Ruins Everything it Touches". In case you hadn't heard, the All Star game was the other night and it ended in the 11th inning when both teams ran out of pitchers. Well so fuckin' what?? Just get the goddamn second-baseman to throw the ball over the plate and keep playing, right? Well, commissioner Bud Selig didn't see it that way, so everybody started boo-ing. Hence, leave it to baseball to fuck up even the fuckin All Star game. Baseball, by the way, is my favorite sport, and Keith O. is one of my favorite commentators and is second only to Bob Costas, I think, in his quasi-intellectual-but-still-pretty-funny approach to it.
While we're on the topic, other notable current baseball fiascos include: the brouhaha over Ted Williams's frozen body, and the players' strike that is looming over the weekend.
posted by adm at 2:50 PM | #