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July 26, 2002

This weekend the movie The
This weekend the movie The Kid Stays In the Picture comes out, the documentary about movie producer Robert Evans, and everybody has something to say about it. Robert Evans produced just about every important movie that came out of Hollywood in the 1970's, he's best friends with Jack Nicholson, and he's a hard-boiled crusty old bastard. His book, which the documentary is based on, ends with the sentence: "Resolve: Fuck em, fuck em all.
During his peregrinations through Hollywood of the '70's and '80's, this guy produced Chinatown, lost his wife Ali McGraw to Steve McQueen (he now calls her "Miss Snotnose"), became a cocaine addict, and went "from royalty to a leper." The fact that he narrates the entire movie, which is all about himself, pretty much guarantees that it will be hilarious and over the top. Salon seems to think the movie will be 2000% baloney, Variety/Yahoo is a little more in awe over Evans' greatness. Both articles agree that this guy is a larger-than-life legend.
posted by amy at 9:32 AM | #