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July 19, 2002


We all know Zacharias Moussaoui

We all know Zacharias Moussaoui tried to plead guilty yesterday and the judge wouldn't let him. But, the details of what happened are incredible. NPR's Nina Totenberg, maybe the best Supreme Court reporter there is, filed this story from Moussaoui's trial in Alexandria, VA yesterday. (Audio clip, free RealPlayer required.)

Basically, instead of pleading guilty or not guilty, ZM tried to make "an affirmative plea in the name of Allah" and made many speeches regarding his partial guilt and partial innocence. Seriously, it is worth listening to, if you can. (If you can't listen, you can read this account of what happened, which is not so lively, or the NYT story, which is pretty detailed.) (tx bar)

posted by adm at 8:53 AM | #


Pourquoi protester dans la presse et dans le france enti貥.Cet homme est un terroriste qui s'appr鴡it ࠦaire mourir des millers de gens sous les ordres de BEN LADEN.Il n'a que ce qu'il m鲩te et la peine de mort est tout ࠦait appropri頤ans ce cas.

Posted by: ait kaci at April 25, 2005 7:23 AM

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