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August 22, 2002

Forgive me if my teammate
Forgive me if my teammate has already discussed this, but: Look, America, do you see what happens when you put real people's lives on TV? Even fake real people like Ozzy Osbourne? What happens is that somebody gets cancer, and people's lives start falling apart, and then there is real human misery being proffered as entertainment, and it's all there for everyone to see. And it's real, and it's fake. And there are kids involved, and it's a big mess.
If I had more time, I would discuss how this relates to the PBS "reality" show Frontier House, which also featured little kids reacting genuinely to manufactured stress, but I'll save it for another time...such as next year when PBS (no doubt) will air Welfare House about some Upper East Side transplants and their 8-year-old foster child sent to live in Cabrini Green, armed only with their food stamps and SSI checks.
posted by adm at 1:29 AM | #