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August 8, 2002

Why are there so many
Why are there so many bikers on the road in South Dakota...Oh yeah, Bike Week in Sturgis. They are like ants. Meanwhile, the winner of the Amys Robot Worst Highway Interchange competition has been announced: Congratulations to Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I mean, what gives with running the big inter-province highway right into town, then having the other big highway start off as a suburban soccer mom street. Are you fricking kidding me, Calgary DOT!... But, big shouties to South Centre Volkswagen, who got me that second spare tire I needed in no time flat. I even took an Elvis shower in their bathroom. But, big negative propers to whoever-slash-whatever was rustling around my tent last night and made me yell the way I do when I have night terrors. (Sorry, fellow campers.) PS. The punctuation on this keyboard is all screwed up, hence the odd syntax slash formatting.
posted by adm at 2:39 PM | #