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December 21, 2002

Here's a lengthy NYT treatment
Here's a lengthy NYT treatment of the new WTC proposals. Ok, look, let me make it more explicit: the goal of creating something "important" at Ground Zero is impossible if the developers stick with their hotel/mall/offices paradigm. There is nothing at all important about hotels, malls, and offices, no matter how revolutionary their design might be. To build something with a real legacy, they need to put up things like schools, parks, and community centers. Just after 9/11, everbody was talking about how Ground Zero was a battlefield, how it was hallowed ground, etc. But, then, within a few days, the Port Authority and the people who had just leased the site starting floating ideas about the new office towers they were going to build there. Let me tell you something: we didn't put a mall in the fields of Gettysburg -- we left it the way it was -- and we shouldn't put a mall over Ground Zero.
posted by adm at 1:01 PM | #