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December 16, 2002

So, Adaptation. Saw it Friday.
So, Adaptation. Saw it Friday. Now, I don't wanna ruin it for anybody, but let me just say: 2/3 of it are brilliant, but 1/3 needs a lot of work. I won't say which third. I guess a lot of people will have a similar opinion, and then smart kids and cool kids will be like, "Yeah, but, dude, you don't get it...it's like a joke...." LET ME SAY THIS LOUD AND CLEAR: I get the joke. I just don't think it's funny.
PS. Chris Cooper (recently spotted by the 'Bot on 72nd and Lex) is amazing in it. Nicolas Cage is better than ok, finally.
PPS. Let's play six degrees: Spike Jonze is married to Sofia Coppola. Sofia Coppola is the cousin of Nicolas Cage. Can you connect the dots to Amy's Robot?
posted by adm at 11:53 AM | #