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January 16, 2003

Article on Salon [via Whiskas]
Article on Salon [via Whiskas] cuts to the central issue of "Joe Millionaire": we in America still like to pretend that we live in a classless society. Whatever (un)lucky girl ends up winning the fake millionaire with frightening eyebrows, Evan Marriott, (who will be rich enough through endorsements and book deals after the show is over that he'll probably be a real millionaire after all) will have to pretend that she's not interested in him for his social standing, but for love. It will be a horrible and shameful moment.
Plus, the writer points out that we working class people have a completely fake vision of how rich people live based on shows like this. Come on. Hot young rich playboys don't loll around in French chateau anymore: "What kind of hot-blooded, messed-up American heir would hole up in a French chçİ°eau with an assortment of tarted-up office managers who lie about their ages, anyway? Where's the house in Ibiza? Where's the party? Where's the wounding ignorance of how the other 90 percent live? Where's the blithe sense of entitlement? Where, for the love of God, are the drugs?"
posted by amy at 10:49 AM | #