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January 14, 2003

I bet you've been thinking:
I bet you've been thinking: where is the sassy, urbane commentary from Amy's Robot on the absurd ban of smoking in NY bars that will go into effect in March? Well I'll tell you. I've been holding out for Sars' commentary. The central argument being: IT'S A BAR, people [tm Whiskas]: "If you want sparkling clean lungfuls of untainted air, why not visit the Yukon, or the Alps, or the spa at the Beverly Hills Hilton, or another locale that's, oh, I don't know -- NOT A BAR? Did you not see the sign out front? No, not the lighted Guinness symbol -- the other one? The one above the door that says "McSwiggan's"? What, may I ask, did you count on finding when you came through the door -- a row of Nautilus machines? It's not "McWorkoutigan's," okay? It's not "McOxygen's."
posted by amy at 3:44 PM | #