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January 29, 2003

It's everywhere by now, but:One
It's everywhere by now, but:
One of the finalists on Joe Millionaire is, in reality, a star of several soft-core bondage films.
This is one of the greatest stories I've ever seen, and I don't even watch the show. To catch you up, here's her pseudonymic entry on IMDB, and here's her page on Fox.
It's becoming increasingly obvious that in this connected age, covering your tracks is not feasible and the new old adage that says "Don't do anything you wouldn't want your mother to see" holds true. I guess this all started with the fiasco involving Joe Millionaire's TV grandfather, "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire", during which it was revealed that (a) the millionaire wasn't really a millionaire, at least not in the traditional, polo-playing, life-of-leisure, East Egg kind-of-way and (b) he had a restraining order against him for threatening his ex-girlfriend.
Maybe the only real difference between "WWTMAM" and its spawn, "Joe Millionaire", is that in the earlier case, the Original Bride participated in soft porn after the show, whereas in the newer version, the contestant seems to have assembled her oeuvre beforehand.
Is there a lesson to be learned here, people? Yes. Crave anonymity. Like us.
Or, you could choose to ignore all that and just order one of her movies. (I don't feel comfortable linking directly to them, but if you search Google for certain words, you can find it pretty easily. Not exactly safe for work.)
posted by adm at 10:02 PM | #