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January 7, 2003

This just in from the
This just in from the Tech Desk at Amy's Robot: So, today was Steve Jobs' keynote at Macworld. Lots of new products out, including a PowerBook with a backlit keyboard.
- new PowerBooks (big and small)
- Safari (Apple-created OS X browser)
- iLife (package for all the iApps, also iMovie 3)
- Keynote (Powerpoint-like software)
- Final Cut Express -- $300 (Hmmmmm!)
Usually, these keynotes are simultaneously exhilirating and depressing, since Jobs announces all this great stuff, but then reveals some kind of ridiculous blunder (like 32 MB of RAM in the original iMac), but this time around, it all looks good. Yeah, and so much for all those bullshit reports about the video-enabled iPod, a concept that doesn't even make sense until DVDs are legally rip-able. (But check out this ski jacket that has iPod controls built into the sleeve.)
posted by adm at 2:27 PM | #