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February 10, 2003

Lengthy article in the Washington
Lengthy article in the Washington Post about writing cards for Hallmark, a job that doesn't really get you a lot of respect: "I was once speaking at a writing conference and I overheard one of the other speakers saying, 'We've sunk so low as to include a greeting card writer on this panel.' And to think this woman was a romance writer!"
Here's another excerpt: "Lighthearted versus humor is a fine line," Mills says. "If we're calling it humor, it should make you laugh. Lighthearted should make you smile. Cute versus lighthearted is also a fine line. Cute is a little more saccharine. Sometimes we find something and say, 'Well, that's a little too humorous,' and we'll send it over to Humor."
posted by adm at 12:41 PM | #