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February 23, 2003

NYT has another long profile
NYT has another long profile of Spanish Harlem, the third in the last month or so, though this one is written by a former resident, Ed Morales, a writer for the Village Voice. SpaHa, he says, is what people are calling it. He makes the point that the culture of the place is threatened with extinction, mainly because people like me (or maybe a little wealthier) have moved up here. I tend to agree...but I also think it's not fair to move out of a neighborhood and then complain that it's losing its identity because outsiders are moving in (as the author seems to have done). The piece also discusses the artist De La Vega, whose murals and sidewalk scrawls are familiar to anyone who has walked around on the east side above ~94th Street.
It's also interesting that the restaurant the author says he feels most comfortable in, La Fonda Boricua, is as upscale a restuarant as the neighborhood has, and is (as far as I've seen) the one most populated by outsiders.
posted by adm at 3:02 PM | #