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February 21, 2003

OK so Kevin Spacey. The
OK so Kevin Spacey. The Former Moral Barometer of Our Nation (tm ADM). From all reports, The Life of David Gale is a well-acted movie, (Time Out review says: "It's difficult to warm to the effective performances because David Gale preaches its anti謀eath penalty views so relentlessly that even those who agree with them will be put off.") but the political agenda is so in-your-face that it makes it, well, pretty much just as sanctimonious and lame as say, Pay It Forward. Or as insulting to the audience's intelligence as K-Pax. Or as full of empty sentimentalism as The Shipping News. The Fametracker Fame Audit from earlier this week isn't quite so harsh, but I think we can say that Kevin Spacey's career is over.
I still say his best role ever was as Mel Profitt on "Wiseguy".
posted by amy at 2:05 PM | #