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February 11, 2003

OK, the commentary begins. Some
OK, the commentary begins. Some Oscar picks: Queen Latifah: the Academy usually picks the nutty upcomer, but is this one too weird? I think she's got a good shot. Martin Scorsese (who has got to be pretty glad he's up against Roman Polanski, the exiled sex offender; that guy nobody's ever heard of who did The Hours; the guy nobody's ever heard of who did Chicago; and a Spaniard.) I'm pscyhed for the best soundtrack: Philip Glass vs. John Williams vs. Elmer Bernstein. Phew.
I'd be happy with any of the best supporting actor nominees winning, except for Christopher Walken, because he is an appalling actor, and clearly got on this list at the expense of Dennis Quaid, who would have been the most deserving.
Also, you can be a bad boy and still win a Grammy, but an Oscar? If Eminem wins, even though he deserves to, the Will Smith-ification will be complete.
posted by amy at 11:00 AM | #