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March 2, 2003

How are the FBI's wanted
How are the FBI's wanted posters supposed to work if the depiction looks like this, but the guy actually looks like this? Well, they caught him anyway, but I don't think it was because of the posters. I think it was because of the t*rture.
The FBI has updated their photo to read "LOCATED". Hmmm. They usually update them to say "CAPTURED". This suggests to me that he is still in custody of the Pakistanis and their car-battery/bed-springs combos.
Here's a good summary of the case , along with suggestions that (a) we've had him in custody since before Saturday (though this article refutes this, unless it's all lies) and (b) he's probably being tortured by the Pakistanis as I write this.
posted by adm at 11:01 PM | #