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March 14, 2003

Is anyone following the case
Is anyone following the case of Svetlana Aron*v, the missing wife of a Manhattan oncologist? I refrained from blogging it until now, because I wasn't sure it was interesting...but now I think it is. The prevailing theory, which seems off-target to me, is that she was murdered as a message to her husband, who may have been involved in insurance fraud. This theory replaces, or is added to, the theory involving the strange man loitering outside her gym a few weeks ago. I guess we'll find out the story eventually. Whenever doctor's wives go missing, the docs always have something to do with it, directly or indirectly. Darkly comic note in the article: one cop says, "The consensus is yeah, she's dead." Pretty blunt assessment for a missing person case that's only a week and a half old, one day after Elizabeth S. was found alive.
posted by adm at 3:17 PM | #