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March 8, 2003

Looks like anti-French sentiment in
Looks like anti-French sentiment in NJ is heating up. This guy poured several thousand-dollar bottles of French wine down the toilet at his restaurant. [nyt] Yeah! That'll show 'em! Hurray for US!
I don't think I've ever read such a compendium of ignorant opinions in the NYT before. One observer sums up the reaction as exactly that: "I think the hostility comes from Americans who go to Paris and expect the French to speak English to them," she said. I didn't even really like France before all of this, but getting mad at them for resisting war seems pretty stupid and only re-inforces our image as a hawkish country who goes to war without hesitation, without diplomacy, and without cause.
And let me finally say, on the record, that it doesn't f'ing matter that we saved their ass in WWII. For one thing, they saved our ass in the American revolution, people.
posted by adm at 12:11 PM | #