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March 11, 2003

Ok, here it is --
Ok, here it is -- the first in a series of upcoming stories that I'm sure will ultimately lead me to renounce my citizenship (or at least move to Canada). At the urging of several Republican congressmen, Congress's cafeteria has renamed their French fries "Freedom Fries" and French toast "Freedom toast", following the lead of other idiotic restaurants around the country. "This action today is a small but symbolic effort to show the strong displeasure of many on Capitol Hill with the actions of our so-called ally, France," said Ney, chairman of the House Administration Committee. Yeah, this action today is a small but symbolic effort to show what the world an idiot you are, too.
This is the best thing since Liberty cabbage (not to mention Liberty Pup*).
This story also marks yet another development that Osama Bin Laden could never have foreseen when he was planning the World Trade Center attacks. (The other main ones being the delayed release of the latest Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, and Union Square Cafe dropping to second place in this year's Zagat's survey.)
*(thanks VHS)
posted by adm at 3:37 PM | #