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March 19, 2003

Ted Koppel is in Kuwait,
Ted Koppel is in Kuwait, the highest-profile journalist in the region. Meanwhile, Bernie Shaw, who so memorably covered Baghdad during Gulf War I, is glad he isn't there, and if he were, he says, he'd leave. Bernie's opinion is part of a larger story about whether journalists should stay or go. [via medianews] (NPR's gulf correspondent, who is still there, also discussed this on NPR's Morning Edition this morning, which I don't usually listen to.) ABC explains their decision re Baghdad: What clinched it was an Iraqi official's comment that things will get ''very ugly'' as Saddam Hussein's regime ends. Translation: They could use weapons of mass destruction. ''That put me over the top in terms of getting our people out.''
posted by adm at 12:36 PM | #