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March 4, 2003

The topic of this post
The topic of this post is nipples.
Specifically, the number of nipples viewable on Yahoo News' "Most Popular Photos" feature. Now, you may have noticed how about 50% of the photos there involve girls, usually either (a) models at fashion shows, (b) hot celebrities at awards shows in provocative dresses, or (c) a woman (usu. an athlete) caught in some unintentionally suggestive pose. However, you never seem to see actual nudity -- just suggestions of nudity.
Well, things have really gotten out of control over there in the last week or so, so I feel obligated to mention it. The one-upmanship started with a photo from a figure skating event in which a man's hand was practically inside of his skating partner, who was spread-eagled and still skating. The next step towards prurience came with a photo from a fashion show in which a model struggles to hold up the top of her dress, which was giving in to gravity. You could see a pretty full outline of a breast in that one, as well as the jovially shocked expression of the model herself (which mirrored my own). That raised my eyebrows a little, and I started to detect a trend. My intuition was confirmed when Y! ran the Spanish tourism bureau's photo of a thongless ass, which created some controversy.
But then came the next photo, a photo so shocking in its lack of precedent that I right away emailed my blogging partner to see whether I should formally document this trend: the photo was of a naked female protester getting dragged off by beefy female cops in Chile. You could see her breasts. I decided to hold off because, after all, people, we're not purveyors of porn over here at Amy's Robot. We're people of culture.
Notwithstanding that, my eyes, etc., popped out when just now I came across the #2 most popular photo on Y! today: it's from Carnival, and it features near full frontal nudity, breasts and all. Be assured, my interests in linking to this photo are purely professional and journalistic in nature.
Where does it end, Yahoo? Where does it end?
posted by adm at 3:27 PM | #