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March 26, 2003

This has been blogged elsewhere,
This has been blogged elsewhere, including by the competition, but it's too good to leave out: a report from the Vanity Fair Oscar party. Lots of great tidbits. To wit:
In was being nice. As when Janet Jackson was overheard asking Alana Stewart if Rod Stewart was her father. (Ms. Stewart is Mr. Stewart's ex-wife and was by all reports flattered by the question.) Or The New Yorker writer Susan Orlean and Meryl Streep hugging and chatting.Also included: how Adrien Brody got his tan.Out was being rude, as when the talent agent Ed Limato threw a cocktail at Richard Johnson. Two olives bounced off Mr. Johnson's nose. Mr. Johnson, who writes Page Six for The New York Post, said that Mr. Limato was angry about an item he had written about Mel Gibson.
posted by adm at 4:07 PM | #