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March 21, 2003

Wow, did you see the
Wow, did you see the tanks rolling into Iraq last night? I think that was pretty much an unprecendented moment in war journalism -- live video of our tanks in the enemy country, with Ted Koppel reporting. Amazing. There is footage on ABC's website, but you might have to pay for it. Here's the written report from Mike Cerre of ABC. NYT highlights yesterday's coverage (without mentioning the ABC footage), in which the benefits of the embedded reporter program were finally evident.
Traveling with the Seventh Cavalry, a veteran CNN war correspondent, Walter Rodgers, was taping a stand-up in northern Kuwait when an enemy artillery shell whistled over his head and hit his unmanned camera. Mr. Rodgers exclaimed, "What the hell?" just as his camera exploded. By the time Wolf Blitzer got him on the telephone, he was dismissing the close call as "no big deal, O.K.?"For all its faults, nothing really beats TV for war coverage.
posted by adm at 10:18 AM | #