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April 23, 2003

Has anyone seen Bulletproof Monk?
Has anyone seen Bulletproof Monk? I have. Here is my somewhat obvious summary of it: it's a cross between Shanghai Noon and The Matrix*, the latter of which everyone has already compared it to.
The movie is weighted down with buddy cop and neo-martial-arts cliches -- bogus spirituality, overly-knowing masters, one-dimensional supporting cast, etc -- but it doesn't collapse from the burden. Mixed in with all the cliche is some actual fresh stuff: a fight scene on a helicopter, for one, and the movie's explanation and use of how Sean William Scott learned martial arts (I think it's new, anyway). Chow Yun Fat seems bemused by his own presence in the movie, but SWS plays it a little straighter than you might expect. I imagine this came from the first-time director being somewhat tentative about what tone he wanted the movie to have.
James King, the female love interest, is striking in her first scene, but gradually fades into Jennifer Garner stand-in status, which is unusual for her.
The film's fight sequences were frequently done in CG instead of with wires, and it shows, particularly in the opening sequence (which otherwise would have been very visceral) and the more elaborate fights later in the movie. As with Daredevil, the over-reliance on CG makes it harder to suspend your disbelief and takes you out of the movie, which is exactly the opposite of the intended effect.
Nevertheless, the film is fun to watch -- probably worth a $9 ticket, but not a $10 one.
*Funny, since CYF reportedly turned down the role of Morpheus in The Matrix.
posted by adm at 4:52 PM | #