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April 25, 2003
NYT discusses what a friend
NYT discusses what a friend calls "yet another dying esoteric subculture": fire buffs, people who listen to their police scanners to find out where the fires are, and race up to take pictures, see the spectacle, etc. [via babak] In Boston, we used to call these people "sparkies", but here they're "buffs". There's an interesting relationship between the buffs and the firefighters, one that seems to be a weird mix of admiration, gratitude, and defensiveness.
The article mentions something you might have presumed -- 9/11 added a certain extra morbidity to the whole enterprise.
Anyway, in case you're interested in tuning in to the police and fire chatter, pick up a scanner and get the freqs here.
posted by adm at 2:50 PM | #