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April 30, 2003

Since saltyt is on emotional
Since saltyt is on emotional hiatus, I have to tell you about this: Latest hot runway model from LA Models, Gerren Taylor: curly-haired, 5 feet, 10 inches, "with full lips and rounded hips", says modeling "is something I've wanted to do since I was little".
The twist? She's 12.
Update: Ok, this is just sick. Here's her official page at her agency. They list her bust size. Look, people, she's twelve. Cool it with the bust size, okay?, and start modeling her in some Caldor circulars, playing Chutes and Ladders or something.
posted by adm at 10:47 AM | #
Gerren Taylor is so pretty and I hope she we go far one day. :D And my doctor said I'll be 5'11 In a few more months because I'm still not done growing he said and I may get taller like Gerren is!! :D
Posted by: Mercedes at March 19, 2005 11:23 PM