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April 30, 2003

They trotted out Elizabeth Smart
They trotted out Elizabeth Smart to watch our prez sign the federal kidnap-response Amber Alert legislation. Here's a picture, which is sad. Here's the whole set, some of which are less sad. Message to ES's parents: if you want to reclaim the privacy in your life, would you please quit with the public appearances. It's grotesque.
I purposely didn't mention it the other day when the story broke, but if you haven't heard, some Salt Lake Tribune reporters got fired for selling apparently made-up information about the Smart family to the National Enquirer for $20,000. The Enquirer's headline, which they have since retracted, was: "Utah Cops: Secret Diary Exposes Family Sex Ring", if that gives you any idea.
posted by adm at 5:25 PM | #