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May 15, 2003

As part of our continuing
As part of our continuing service of covering the Series Finales of shows that we don't really watch anymore, we bring you DAWSON'S CREEK:
Apart from the not at all subtle shout-out to both this blog and Jessica Lange's illegitimate baby in Tootsie (one of our favorite movies) in the choice of name for Jen's illegitimate baby, not much to cover, in a meta, cultural commentary way. Virginia Madsen, the first celebrity crush of some of our readers, guest starred. Overall it was emotionally satisfying (even to TWoP). In the excerpts from the cast and crew party that were shown, all the actors spoke very briefly about how great doing the show was for the last six years, and then went into enthusiastic detail about how much they looooove making movies. They love it! Movies! And are sick to death of this show! Thank god it's over.
Judging from her recent movies, Michelle Williams looks like she might have a meaningful career, post-Dawson. And Katie Holmes... well, things were looking good during her late '90's The Ice Storm/The Wonder Boys phase, but now I'm not so sure. Maybe she'll help Robert Downey, Jr. stay clean.
posted by amy at 3:20 PM | #