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May 16, 2003

Fox has announced its fall
Fox has announced its fall line-up. There's a show called Skin that is described as "Romeo and Juliet meets the porn industry." Get ready for Joe Millionaire II, and also, Jason Bateman returns to TV.
Here's a more detailed report. It thoroughly describes, for example, a new show starring hey-it's-that-guy Luis Guzman (another friend of ours) as the owner of a donut shop in -- where else? -- SPANISH HARLEM, aka Spa-Ha, an official co-location of Amy's Robot.
What's funny about Fox's line-up is that usually the shows announced at the upfronts sound great on paper, and then turn out to be just as stupid as everything else when they finally air. In this case, all of Fox's new shows sound stupid already, which isn't a good sign.
We already posted all the other networks' line-ups.
posted by adm at 12:00 AM | #