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May 20, 2003

Interesting things heard on 1010
Interesting things heard on 1010 WINS this morning:
- NYC man gets ticket for sitting on milk crate. (Also front page story in Daily News.) The cop who wrote the ticket says: "Blame Bloomberg."
- In an ad paid for by the firefighters' union, Denis Leary has an acidy message for the mayor. He asks if "voters' lives" are worth the $11 million saved from the proposed closing of firehouses. The ad played on WINS this morning. Leary does not identify himself in the ad, but because of our familiarity with him, we knew who it was.
- Also, Sammy Hagar engaged in some fundraising for FDNY and asked Billy Joel and Bruce Springsteen to do the same.
- A second arrest has been made in the shooting of Freaky Zeeky.
posted by adm at 9:01 AM | #