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May 19, 2003

Long Day's Journey Into Night
Long Day's Journey Into Night delivers on all the best-show-on-Broadway hype it's getting. Some reviews suggest that our old friend Philip Seymour Hoffman is a relatively weak link in the 4-person cast, but I strongly disagree: it was his big scene in Act III that made the people in my row get misty. Also, the show runs 4 hours, not 4-1/2, in case that makes a difference.
The most amazing thing about this play is the intense sense of foreboding and anxiety it produces in anticipation of the gut-wrenching things you know are coming, even in the lighter opening scenes. I felt like I was watching a scary, creepy movie instead of a study of familial dysfunction. This play also inspired a new round of Who's Older:
posted by amy at 11:51 AM | #