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May 21, 2003

While the whole rest of
While the whole rest of the world was watching either Hitler or American Bachelor on Sunday night, I was dutifully watching the two-part season finale of Law and Order: Criminal Intent. That show is the most subtle unsubtle show on television: as soon as you start groaning about how blunt all the supposedly nuanced character development is, they do something reasonably clever with the plot that you could almost but not quite foresee. Summary: Seems people connected to the blackmarket anthr*x trade keep dying, but not because of the anthr*x itself. Vincent has to chase everybody down, dragging Blonde Scully along with him, coming across exhibitionists, voyeurs, the sickly, the rich, and the psychotic.
The show takes an almost explicitly Sherlockian twist when it turns out that his Australian female nemesis (Olivia D'Abo) from earlier this season was maybe behind the whole thing. The original episode where she was introduced was maybe the best ever. Her most recent ep suffers from trying too hard, but it's still engaging.
I bring all this up now because one of characters in the show is a hyperbolization of Steven H*tfill, the scientist who was a "person of interest" to the FBI during the Anthr*x investigation. As in reality, the character is a marginal, angry researcher who stages a fiery press conference to lash out at the people investigating him. In the ep, Vincent does something that indirectly leads to the scientist's death. Well, coincidentally, a car ran over H*tfill's foot the other day. The twist: the car belonged to the FBI team surveilling him.
posted by adm at 12:25 AM | #