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June 1, 2003

I hate to say it,
I hate to say it, but I wish Salon would just hurry up and die. Sure, they're one of the last independently-organized voices on the web, but their financial struggles make it a chore just to access their information. Last week, you had to sit through a Microsoft animation before even seeing the front page, and then sit through another Flash ad while you waited to read your article. The second ad was for Salon Personals. What is the point of making people sit through ads for your own product? This week, you have to sit through another ridiculous Microsoft ad, complete with a streaming video. Give me a break!
I guess Salon would argue I should stop whining and just pay for a subscription, but who wants to pay for a year-long subscription for a magazine that can't even pay their rent? At least if they died, it would open the door for a more financially-solvent operation to come in.
posted by adm at 2:27 PM | #