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June 30, 2003


Introducing the Amy's Robot Link Factory

Today, we are launching a new interactive service here on Amy's Robot.

It's called the Amy's Robot Link Factory™. Here's how it works: you submit links to the site, and they automatically get posted to the special link factory page. Then, other readers can visit the page and see your links, and submit their own. That way, everybody's happy. Also, Amy and I will review the links and include some of the more interesting ones right on this page just below the regular posts for each day. We'll try to do this frequently, so the list changes throughout the day. When you submit a link, we'll credit you and link to your own site (if you want).

How does that sound? Good. We thought you'd like it.

You can get started now: go find something interesting and post it here. There's already some links posted, and if you scroll down on this page, you'll see the ones that we've integrated into the blog. On the Link Factory page, every link has a category, and you can search the links by keyword.

So, obviously, this feature's benefits depend on people using it, so we hope you do.

This is one of several major changes we have planned for the site this summer. If you have any feedback on the Link Factory or anything else, please let us know.

categories: Announcements
posted by adm at 7:47 AM | #


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