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June 16, 2003

LA Times reports on scholarly
LA Times reports on scholarly study on television that you can now do at MIT. The "Media in Transition" conference sounds like it was full of pretentious theorizing, (like using the phrase "Foucaultian gaze" in reference to reality TV), but I would have loved to attend. [and isn't that supposed to be "Foucauldian gaze"?]* -amy
- Update: To get to the bottom of the "Foucaultian" vs. "Foucauldian" controversy, we figured it would be best to contact Professor C. Burns, the Amy's Robot Chair of Postmodern Celebrity Studies at a very old and prestigious university in Virginia. Here's our interview:
ADM: Professor, can you tell me whether it is "Foucaultian" or "Foucauldian", as in "I can't stand the Foucaul[d|t]ian Gaze of "The Bachelorette."
Burns: I am pretty sure the latter (Foucauldian), although it is strange, given the real "t" in the name.
ADM: Thanks. Hey, remember that paper I wrote on To the Lighthouse? What did you think about that one?
posted by adm at 4:28 PM | #